It all began with my wife and me, sharing a deep love for the Navratri festival and the joy of performing Garba. During one lively Garba night, we encountered a few enthusiastic individuals who were eager to join in but struggled to keep up with the steps. Despite their challenges, they danced alongside us with unwavering determination till the end. Witnessing their love and passion for Garba overwhelmed us.

That night sparked an idea, and in 2014, RAAS ROCK STUDIO was born. Initially, we started with a small group, but as the years passed, our family grew steadily. In 2015, we had our first official Garba night out as a group, and our performances garnered appreciation and attention at various events.

Together, we have created beautiful memories that will remain etched in our hearts forever. Our mission is simple - to bring together passionate Garba lovers, provide them with training in different Garba styles, and most importantly, ensure everyone has a fantastic time. Join us and experience the magic yourself! Let's celebrate the spirit of Garba together!


Navratri is a vibrant and joyous Hindu festival celebrated across India and by Indian communities worldwide. The word "Navratri" translates to "nine nights," and the festival spans nine nights and ten days. It usually falls in the months of September or October, during the Hindu lunar month of Ashwin.

Each day of Navratri is dedicated to the worship of a specific manifestation of Goddess Durga, the divine feminine energy. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil, with the nine nights representing the triumph of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura.

The celebrations vary in different regions of India, but the essence remains the same - devotion, dance, music, and vibrant colors. People adorn themselves in traditional attire, with women wearing colorful chaniya cholis or sarees and men dressed in dhotis or kurta pajamas. The festival also involves the fasting and feasting tradition, with devotees refraining from certain foods during the day and enjoying elaborate feasts at night.

One of the highlights of Navratri is the Garba and Dandiya Raas dance. These folk dances involve rhythmic movements, clapping, and dancing in circles around a decorated shrine or idol of Goddess Durga. People dance to traditional folk music, modern songs, and devotional tunes, creating an atmosphere of pure joy and celebration.

The grand finale of Navratri is on the tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. It commemorates the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil once again.

Navratri is not just a religious festival but also a cultural extravaganza that brings communities together, fostering unity and a sense of shared heritage. It is a time of worship, reflection, celebration, and spreading love and happiness among friends and family.

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Join us and celebrate Navratri festival in style.